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Welcome to LAVC Math Tutoring!

Lavc Math Tutors


How to Access LAVC Online Tutoring

The Philip S. Clarke Math Lab

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The central goal of the Math Lab is to provide individualized and collaborative tutorial support for students at Los Angeles Valley College.
The LAVC Math tutoring provides free online and in-person tutoring in mathematics for all actively enrolled Los Angeles Valley College students.

What is Math Tutoring? 

The Math tutoring is a “walking-in” in-person and virtual tutoring service (no appointment need) for students to get help with your math homework/assignments. Three qualified tutors are available at any given hour to work with students on a one-on-one basis for short periods as needed. Our math tutors can conduct the study sessions, advising on how to study for math courses, and provide tips on their own pathway to succeed in multiple math courses at our in-person and virtual math tutoring service.

What does the LAVC Math Tutoring offer?

  • Free Virtual tutoring from all qualified tutors and math professors who completed many math courses up to differential equations 
  • Study skills and useful math worksheets 
  • Weekly Study sessions 
  • Embedded Tutoring

The LAVC Math tutoring is also providing embedded tutoring for high demand/low success subjects to increase student success. The role of embedded tutors is to foster a cohort-based, peer-to-peer learning community. Embedded tutors contribute to student success through their presence and participation in class and outside of class at their drop-in tutoring sessions/workshops. 

Here is a group of embedded tutors (Fall 2020): 

Please click here to know more about our tutors and their schedule.

Note: For statistics, we offer math 227 tutoring at LAVC Math Tutoring. 

For statistics 100 and 101, please visit the ARC Multi-Subject Tutoring services.

Math Tutoring Instructional Assistant


LARC 220


Nick Olshanskiy, PhD.
Email: @email
Email: @email
Tel: (818) 947-2863